High End VR Headphones to Impress Your Friends and Customers

As more people are enjoying the new gadgets such as the HTC Wildfire, Sony PlayStation and Nintendo Wii, there’s no doubt that there is a lot of interest in the VR industry. There has been so much hype around these headsets that you can almost tell that something is going to break out the minute it comes out into the market. This doesn’t mean that it will be the next Rift or the next killer app. It will just be another feature that people are able to take advantage of for their VR experience www.zerolatencyvr.ae.

VR Headset

While there is still no concrete evidence that immersion and VR will be the saving grace of our society when it comes to entertainment, there are developers who are trying to make that happen. They want to create an entire world that can be completely controlled by a VR headset. There’s no doubt that this technology will have a huge impact on the entertainment, but it will also change how we do several things including communication and socializing.

VR Sports

In this current generation, there are several VR headsets that are starting to hit the market. There are a lot of things that people can do with them because of all the amazing advancements that have been made in the computer industry. For example, VR sports is becoming very popular. There are tons of athletes using the technology to train and get ready for big sporting events. We may soon see augmented reality jump into the athletic realm as well.

Realistic Experience

Augmented reality is about combining three-dimensional images into the real world around us. This is done through head tracking. Our headsets will track where we are in the scene and then add a map of the inside of the room, giving us a very realistic experience. There are already some great augmented reality applications that you can check out on the internet. You can easily turn your PC into a weatherman or a biker who rides through the woods on his motorbike.


If you’re thinking about buying a HTC Vive this year, you should definitely look into the new augmented reality application that the HTC file can offer you. It’s not going to be easy, but it will be fun. One thing I like about this headset is that it uses a simple form of tracking to let you know where you are in real time. This is different from the other VR headsets like the ones from Valve and Google. The other headsets have way more fancy systems that require a whole computer system to track where you are.

Video Game Experience

If you want something a bit cheaper, you could try out a Nintendo Wii for a video game experience. The video game experience with the Wii is a little bit more boring than the vR headsets, but it still has it’s good points. The biggest issue with the Wii is the motion detection, but I think it’s good for video games. One issue with the headset is the screen size, but most people have a small screen. Other than that, this is definitely a video game experience you won’t forget soon.

PlayStation VR

The gaming experiences with the HTC Vive and PlayStation vr are two of the most popular consumer headsets right now. Both are affordable vr headsets that provide an excellent and enjoyable video game experience. I like the motion detection on the HTC Vive because I don’t have to move around to get the next action in the game. The PlayStation VR on the other hand detects movement so you know exactly where your hands are in the virtual world. The interaction with the HTC Vive is much more robust than the virtual reality headsets.


Both headsets use a form of motion tracking to let you know where you are in the virtual environment. For example, if you turn your head, the camera will track your position. This motion tracking is excellent for making the entire environment feel like you are in a fully immersive environment. When designing your virtual space, you can add as many components as you’d like to make it feel like a real environment. If your budget allows it, I highly recommend investing in either one of these fantastic headsets.