Hidden SEO Tricks For Better Rankings

SEO which refers to search engine optimization is a continuous process that helps you increase the ranking of your page/website/blog, and make sure that it comes in the first 10 findings of the search engine. A good SEO uses many tricks and tips for better rankings, and bring a good amount of clients, and traffic to the page that finally helps you to earn good revenue.

The web page’s components should be improved using SEO analytics platforms and the SEO experts not only use these platforms, but the abundance of hidden trick and trips to make sure that the page and website are popular amongst the masses.

We all know about the importance of Keyword and their usages like using 3-4 keywords per paragraph and using keywords that your competitors don’t use or the one that clients use the most to search the work you are expert in. We also know the tip of using raster image and using the Alt tag for description, but in this article, we will talk about some tips that SEO experts usually overlook.

Here are some of the Hidden SEO tricks for better rankings.

Have quality external links

 External links are very helpful when it comes to making your page rank better. When you leave comments on quality blogs and websites, it helps your site to get noticed and get more traffic. People also share your links and thus you get outside links, and these links are best if you want to top the page for the search engine as they can view these pages easily. Aherfs is one tool that can help you find the quality external link, also focus on quality instead of quantity.

Post automation

Automation is a great tool for having a routine so that you can post your latest blog or video on a daily basis. This is a tool in the social media that lets the expert schedule a post/video in advance so that even if they are busy working on other aspects of the SEO for the page, there is user engagement from the social media.

Having a faster site

 One of the ranking factors used by Google is the speed of the site which usually people don’t worry about much. But you should as most of the users want the page or site to load within a second, even a seconds delay and they will abandon that site and move to something else.

There are many reasons for the slow loading of the site one of them being using uncompressed images. Here are some pointers that help your page’s speed:

  • Review all the elements of the page so that you can delete any unnecessary element that slows the website.
  • Deactivate and delete any plugins that are not relevant to the site/page.

Secure the site

Having a secure site makes users trust you and chose your site instead of a site that is not secured. HTTPS is the protocol that makes the site safe so switch to that. It along with SSL (Secure socket layers) works to protect the data of the consumers by encrypting it and communicating it in a safer way.

Also, Google prefers a site that uses https, and this helps with Google analytics too by giving you accurate data of referral traffics.

Optimize the site for mobile

 57% of the users are on the mobile when they access any particular site so make sure that your website’s version for the mobile not only loads faster, but the content’s font and the color are fit for the smaller screen so, that it is easily readable. Also, the keywords used for mobile are a bit different so you will have to work on that too.

Have a presence on social media

No, this is not a marketing tip; it is for increasing your SEO and page ranking. The thing is that sometimes your social accounts are more popular on Google and thus it has become a ranking criterion. Also, if you continuously post and upload on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, you will definitely more traffic from there which will help in increasing your page rankings.

Monitor performances

If you want to know about the current performance of the site and its outcome, Google analytics is the best tool for it. It provides critical information that will help you make strategies to better your ranking. The information provided includes- the amount of traffic coming and where it is coming from.  It also tells which page had the most traffic etc.

Optimize images

An image is worth more than a thousand words, and it couldn’t be more true. But using duplicate images is not a solution. With tools like Canva, you can easily design images without spending a single penny. But make sure your images are eye catching and able to convey your core message.

These are some of the best and hidden tricks that you can use to better your SEO and page ranking. Tell me in the comments below about the one tip that you weren’t using, and if there are some other hidden tricks you would like me to add.