3 SEO Keyword Research Tips You Must Know

Google is nowadays way more challenging to get rankings for verses it was back perhaps 2010 and years before. So here’re a few things you must know about today’s SEO. Naveed Gantara

When it comes to SEO, most of you still try to stuff in a cluster of keywords. Yes! Content is king. But that doesn’t justify you putting in as many keywords as possible and dropping the quality of the content. Google has got smart these days and emphasizing on taking the searches to the right and the best result of what they are looking for. So you can trick the Google with your old-school shady SEO tactics. When doing SEO, the most critical factor you need to focus upon is keyword research and here’re a few tips that’ll help you with that. So let’s dive in;

Pick a Niche

Most of the SEOs are running after the big terms like auto insurance, SEO and credit cards. Yes, you can get there eventually but it takes 6-months to see traction these days, 12-months to start seeing traffic go up and almost 2- years to be crashing at on Google. Don’t do what most of the SEO experts do. They try to pick the big keyword terms and end up achieving nothing. Instead, it’s better to get along with the small niches as it would inevitably turn up lucrative.

Pick Buzzwords

Technology is moving really fast these days that things are dramatically changing. Nowadays, it’s not how long are you going to live till it’s how long is it going to take for technology to adapt so fast that you can live forever. So why not go after new things whether its crypto currencies or new products like iPhone 100 or whatever version they’re on, go after new upcoming words and you can find them using Google trends. This is a fantastic tool that breaks down what’s hot, what’s up & coming that people are typing & go after all the ones that are new.

And why you should after the new booming topic is that these are terms that people have not been trying to rank for before. Perhaps that’s the reason why they’re not very competitive. So if you create content around it, you’re going to skyrocket to the top way faster than if you went after all terms like credit cards and SEO etc.

Right Tools

With Uber suggest, you can put in a keyword, and it’ll give ideas based on what people are typing in. For example; people won’t type the keywords like dog food. Instead, they would type keywords like what dog food is best for my animal or maybe what dog food is good to make my dog lose some weight. These are trendy terms.

Uber will show you different variations of your main keyword. It’ll even show how competitive they are, what’s their search volume followed by how much traffic you can potentially get. In fact, this is one of the popular tools amongst the SEO Dubai.